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Product Care

For instructions on how to clean your frank green reusables, check out these guides!

Is my frank green reusable dishwasher safe?

Please see below for a complete breakdown of components and which are dishwasher safe!

How do I remove scuffs or smudges from my reusable?

We've got some pretty handy tricks that can help remove marks in seconds!

How do I clean my frank green lid?

A quick and helpful guide on how to clean your lids

How do I clean my frank green ceramic base?

A quick and helpful guide on how to clean your ceramic products

How do I clean my frank green straw?

A quick and helpful guide on how to clean your straw

How do I clean my frank green original base?

A quick and helpful guide on how to clean your original products

How do I clean and care for my pet products? šŸ¶

A quick and helpful guide on how to clean your pet products

Can I purchase a replacement part for my reusable?

We have an extensive PartsĀ page available for a variety of components and pieces to your frank green! You can purchase anything from straws, to buttons, to straw lid hulls!. As a sustainably driven company, our aim and priority are always to reduce t